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The mission of Kids with a Smile Preschool and Griffin Foundation  School childcare is to create a positive learning environment for students to receive a quality education in preschool and in our before and after school program.  Our school programs are licensed with the Department of Economic Security (DES) and Department of Health Services (DHS).


Kids with a Smile Preschool


  • Call the school and schedule an interview with the Preschool Director to see if the Kids with a Smile Preschool will meet your child’s and family’s needs. The staff will set up an appointment for you to visit the school with your child.
  • You will be asked to complete a registration information form and turn it in with a non-refundable fee of $45. Other forms needed for enrollment are: a copy of the child’s birth certificate, the immunization record, and a medical information form.
  • Parents are provided a KWAS handbook.

Weekly Payment Rate Schedule

5 Days
4 Days
3 Days
Full Days
Half Days

Payment Options & Policies

We currently accept cash, checks, money orders and credit/debit cards. Each family will receive an invoice at the end of the week reflecting the next week’s activity. Payment is due the Friday prior to the week that services are rendered. We reserve the right to deny admittance to any child whose tuition is not paid in full by the due date. Also, if tuition is not paid by the Monday of the week of services, you are required to pay the Customary Late Payment Rate. There will be a $15.00 per week late fee assessed at the beginning of each week to all past due balances. Credit is not given for sick days or vacation days.


  • We accept children from 3 to 5 years of age. All children must be toilet trained in order to attend the preschool.
  • Children may attend school 3, 4, or 5 full days each week or 3, 4, or 5 half days each week. This will provide the children with the opportunity to develop a comfortable school routine. The school will be open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday except as noted in the school calendar.
  • In the morning and at the end of the day, each child needs to be signed in and out.
  • We will release children only to persons for whom the center has written authorization. We will make exceptions only if the parent speaks directly, in person, or by phone with the teacher responsible for the child at dismissal time. In this case the child will be released, provided that person produces valid photo identification.
  • If you need to temporarily or permanently change your child’s schedule you must give a 30 day written notice before the effective change date. Please note: any changes that will be adding days of attendance will need to be requested and approved by the Preschool Director to be sure of availability.

GFSD  School Child Care Program

The  School program at the Griffin Foundation provides high-quality, safe and affordable child care so you can have peace of mind while you work. Our  school Child Care hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.  Registration processing fees are $45 per child and non-refundable.

In our program we encourage positive group interaction and independent learning.  In the morning, the students have the opportunity to complete their homework followed by breakfast.  In our School Program we offer many scheduled activities.

Weekly Payment Rates

  After School Ages 5 thru 12 $15.00 per hour

Payment Options & Policies

We currently accept cash, checks, money orders and credit/debit cards. Each family will receive an invoice at the end of the week reflecting the next week’s activity. Payment is due the Friday prior to the week that services are rendered. We reserve the right to deny admittance to any child whose tuition is not paid in full by the due date. Also, if tuition is not paid by the Monday of the week of services, you are required to pay the Customary Late Payment Rate. There will be a $15.00 per week late fee assessed at the beginning of each week to all past due balances. Credit is not given for sick days or vacation days.


  • In the morning and at the end of the day, each child needs to be signed in and out.
  • We will release children only to persons for whom the center has written authorization. We will make exceptions only if the parent speaks directly, in person, or by phone with the teacher responsible for the child at dismissal time. In this case the child will be released, provided that person produces valid photo identification.
  • If you need to temporarily or permanently change your child’s schedule you must give a 30 day written notice before the effective change date.
  • Mandatory withdrawal will be requested if a child does not abide by the standards of conduct, demonstrates extreme behaviors that hurt others, tuition not kept current or failure of the school to meet the needs of the child or parents.


KWAS preschool children sitting at a table reading


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